“The Road To the Billfish Royal Slam”
By Jay Schline
The Road to the Billfish Royal Slam paved by Brian Eder
Conquering “The Royal Slam” is undeniably one of the most difficult accomplishments in sport fishing world. The Royal Slam requires much time, dedication, patients, a bunch of planning, many trips, and unfortunately it also requires in most cases… “Lots-o-MONEY” to accomplish this most prestigious of feats in the Sport fishing arena. Every angler in this short list of RS achievers must catch each of the nine species of billfish starting with the Blue Marlin (Pacific Ocean), Blue Marlin (Atlantic Ocean), Black Marlin, Sail fish (Pacific Ocean), Sail Fish (Atlantic), Spearfish, Swordfish, Stripped Marlin and the White Marlin to qualify. Many men and women have spanned thousands of miles, given thousands of hours of life, and thousands of dollars through out their lives trying to accomplish this feat but there is just a few that have been able to maintain the quest through its entirety.
Australia just honored their first Royal Slam Achiever, Matt Price. Matt Price had just completed his Royal Billfish Slam February of this year ”which according to the IGFA, appears to mark the very first of this spectacular achievement for an Australian angler!”
The IGFA (International Game Fish Association) has recognized less then 100 anglers throughout the world that have achieved the ”IGFA – Billfish Royal Slam Club”. “Documented lightning injuries in the United States average about 300 per year”. That’s right, you have a much better chance of getting struck by lightning then obtaining the Royal Slam…A MUCH BIGGER CHANCE. Remember, the IGFA recognizes anglers in the entire world; the aforementioned lightning strikes are solely for the United States. Currently there are just 89 members included in this exclusive club.
Hunting and Fishing Maryland received word that Maryland’s own Brian Eder of Baltimore was quickly closing in on Sport fishing’s highest achievement. Brian has been in the Sport fishing World for only what some people would consider a short while. Brian started fishing off shore for billfish in 2004. But his tremendous passion for the sport has thrust him beyond most on the planet. Brian could be one of the first 100 anglers in the world to accomplish this feat. The passion began when he took a trip to Puerto Vallarta and hopped aboard one of those “Shared Fishing Trips”. Brian hooked into a Pacific Sail on 11-9-04 and the Thrill of the Bill began.
Brian enjoyed the quest so much he entered his first billfish tournament and won 4th place, which earned him a birth into a tournament in a Cabo San Lucas tournament. During that tournament he caught his first striped marlin. The Striped marlin was caught 11-11-06. At this point Brian was not thinking anything about a Royal Slam he just wanted to catch billfish wherever he could, and knew nothing of the Royal Slam
On 11-9-07 Brian traveled to Curacao and caught his first Atlantic Blue Marlin and the following year he traveled to the Cancun and picked up his first Atlantic Sail on 11-8-08. Brian’s passion for billfish intensified but still…Royal Slam, no desire or knowledge of this possibility.
Well all that was about to Change… one of Brian’s close friends purchased him an IGFA membership for his birthday. Brian was scanning through one of the publications and there it was…THE ROYAL SLAM. He checked out the requirements and realized he was already well on his way.
Brian figured the quest for the White Marlin was going to be the simplest marlin of all; I mean we live in the “White Marlin Capital of the World”, so just go ahead and mark that off…WRONG. Brian spent 50 to 60 grueling trips to put a white under his belt. There were plenty of Marlin Caught during those Ocean City, Maryland Trips, however the components just didn’t line up quite right. Brian said they always picked straws, cards and such to decide who was going to catch the next fish that bit, and every time it was Brian’s turn, a coincidental would hit the line such as a tuna, dolphin, skippie, and the list goes on…Brian said that one time during that span one of the other angelers that was “UP” was predisposed so he was next in line so that angler’s turn was pushed back one fish. Brian brought in a dolphin and the next fish… Bam…FISH ON… White Marlin. Brian took it in good stride and graciously booked another trip.
On 8-21-08 Brian took sail aboard the Ocean City illustrious “Marli” with Captain Mark Hoos Jr by his side. The Marli knew of Brian’s goal and they did everything they could to put the 5th leg of Brian’s journey behind him. Fish on, and the white marlin was brought aboard for a quick picture then released to fight another day. Just think, if you catch a white out there in OC, it could be the same one included in Brian’s Royal Slam…You Never know.
November of 2009 Brian and his wife traveled back to Puerto Vallarta and Brian caught 2 of the obstacles there. On 11-10-09 Brian caught his first Pacific Blue Marlin and 11-12-09 he followed the trip up with bagging a Pacific Black Marlin. Both these fish were caught during a tournament and the black Marlin actually earned him a second place finish and a new car.
Brian now at this point only has two fish to go, the Spearfish and the swordfish. Several trips to Hawaii failed to produce success in locating a spearfish but Brian is in the process of booking a trip to Kona Hawaii. Kona is the best known destination for the spearfish but its still a very elusive billfish. Brian said he is going to also book a trip to Florida to try to get his sword and with the fishery greatly picking up in Florida his chances are good. Brian would love to obtain the Royal Slam right here in Ocean City Maryland but there are very few spearfish ever caught in OC so he’s going to try Kona. Brian Hopes to be of the first 100 anglers to be recognized a Royal Slam Achievers. Cameras will be in tow these next couple
of years during his pursuit and hopefully we’ll be right there next to him when it happens. After talking to Brian I can tell you this, it’s not a matter if, its just a matter of when. Brian currently works two jobs to finance his adventures and he has a fire burning that only the deep blue is going to be able to put out. As Brian nears the finish line each leg is becoming more and more exciting and he now enjoys the pursuit all the more
From Hunting and Fishing Maryland, Good Luck Brian and we look forward to your success
Thanks For Sharing Your Journey With us Brian
Click Here to See Brian’s Pics
I have a friend who has a trout fishing creel that I desperately want to purchase from him. It is an old french weave partially lethered top with a ruler running vertically along side the leathered hole (6 inches). The matching leather strap is marked with “100 Royal”. My guess is that this creel is from the 20′s to the 40′s. I cant find anything on it but had an idea that it might be custom made for someone who might have achieved the grand slam that you refer to?? Do your records go back this far and do you think I might be on to something?
Thanks for any help. Angus
The Royal Billfish Slam is a feat recognized by the IGFA Angus and I don’t think it was recognized back in the 20′s. There is not a whole lot of History info on the IGFA home page but articles I have found say it began to develop in the 1940′s but the Slams were not part of the record taking ’till much later. There are several Slams recognized by the IGFA you can refer to their site at
The BILLFISH ROYAL SLAM will recognize anglers who have caught the following nine species within their lifetime: Atlantic and Pacific Sailfish, Atlantic and Pacific Blue Marlin, Black Marlin, Striped Marlin, White Marlin, Swordfish, and Spearfish.
The SALMON ROYAL SLAM consists of catching or catching and releasing: Atlantic, Chinook, Chum, Coho, Pink, and Sockeye.
The TUNA ROYAL SLAM consists of: Atlantic or Pacific bigeye, Blackfin, Bluefin, Dogtooth, Longtail, Skipjack, Southern Bluefin, and Yellowfin.
The SHARK ROYAL SLAM consists of: Blue, Hammerhead, Mako, Thresher, Tiger, White, Tope, Whaler, and Porbeagle.
The BASS ROYAL SLAM consists of: largemouth, smallmouth, rock, shoal, whiterock, spotted, white, and striped.
The TROUT ROYAL SLAM consists of: brook, brown, bull, cutthroat, golden, lake, and rainbow.
That one is going to be a tough Call, keep us posted and hope we helped