Olivia Nalos’s greatest passion is to educate the public about the important role hunters’ play as stewards of nature. Because of her sincere appreciation for wildlife, and enthusiasm to help promote conservation, she is involved in the hunting industry in many capacities. Olivia is a hunting consultant and adventure coordinator for The Global Hunting Network. In addition, she has appeared on various hunting television shows, has an on-line blog for NBC Sports, acted as a co-host of “Inside Texas Outdoors” radio show and is a Certified Measurer for Boone & Crockett, Pope & Young, Rowland Ward, and a Master Measurer / Certified Measuring Instructor for SCI. Furthermore, she established the Nebraska Panhandle SCI Chapter where she had served as chapter president & acted as the SCIF Sables marketing committee chair.
As the 2003 Mrs. Nebraska, America, her platform was to promote the importance of hunters as conservationists, humanitarians and stewards of renewable wildlife resources. With such a controversial platform she understood that criticism and adverse reaction would result, but remained eager to provide factual insight on a topic where the truth is often distorted.
But she’s more stalk than talk, she is a huntress, hunting big game & dangerous game in countries such as: Benin, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Argentina, Mongolia, New Zealand, Spain, Mexico, Canada, and throughout the United States. She has hunted species from Mongolian White-tailed Gazelle to African Cape buffalo and many animals in between. Needless to say, she has been there and done that, yet considers herself fortunate for the opportunity to play a small role in preserving our great hunting heritage.
Hunting and Fishing Maryland is honored to have such a
deticated member of our hunting and fishing world share her passion, goals, and ideas of how to preserve our hunting heritage with us.